Fosamax World Wide Shipping


Fosamax(Alendronate) helps postmenopausal women to cure and prevent osteoporosis. Fosamax is also useful for men in order to prevent osteoporosis and to enlarge the bone mass, or to cure the glucocorticoid.

Questions about Fosamax

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Can Fosamax used to strengthen the bones of children after the break of arm?
Ampills Answer
No, it is used to prevent and treat osteoporosis in post-menopausal women.
Lynne Gilli
I take Fosamax once a week - ususally with a cup of coffee. I recently saw a report that said it should not be taken with coffee. Please explain why I should not take Fosamax with coffee. Thanks.
Ampills Answer
Hello. You should take Fosamax with water. It should not be taken with coffee because some substances in Fosamax may interact with caffeine. Good luck and be healthy.

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