Stop Smoking

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Questions about Stop Smoking

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Hi! I smoke about 20 cigarettes a day. What would you recommend to quit?
Ampills Answer
Wellbutrin SR is best choice for you.
I want you to assist my friend to stop smoking.
Ampills Answer
Buy him Nicotinell patch. It is a 24 hour nicotine replacement medication. Your body gets nicotine from the patch, so you are able not to smoke. For the time of treatment you forget about this habit, and stop smoking.
If i leave smoking suddenly will be any side-effect
create on my body
i have tried fourty times to give up what can i do
Ampills Answer
Have you ever tried Stop Smoking Patch? It is very effective. In hard cases doctors prescribe Zyban (Bupropion). Also see here: Good luck!

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