Antabuse World Wide Shipping


Antabuse (Disulfiram) is a medication against alcoholism.

Questions about Antabuse

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Can I give Antabuse to my husband so that he doen not know this? He has a problem with alcohol (I think addiction), and he can't break this habit.
Ampills Answer
No way. The patient should know about treatment.
Eveline, my partner is taking antabuse, other medications are available to help with cravings, but antabuse is a deterrent and a pretty nasty one at that if a person drinks so they have to know they are taking it.
how do i know how much of a dose i should take and how often or should i consult a doctor first?
Ampills Answer
Of course it if right decision to talk to your doctor first. The information about dosing schedule is as follows: In the first phase of treatment, a maximum of 500 mg daily is given in a single dose for one to two weeks. The average maintenance dose is 250 mg daily (range, 125 to 500 mg), it should not exceed 500 mg daily. Depending on the individual patient, maintenance therapy may be required for several months.
Alberta Sequeira
My daughter was on a medicine that if she took it, she could end up at the emergency room sick as a dog. She used every excuse not to take it: she got sick to her stomach, she forgot to take it, etc.
She died in 2006 after entering three rehabilitation center and a halfway home at the young age of thirty-nine.
can i go to a tanning salon when taking this pill?
Ampills Answer
You can, but don't use any creams for suntan which contain alcohol.
how long that the effect on the pill will last , do you have to take it every day or you can take it every other day,that the effect goes away in 8,12, 24 hrs,
Ampills Answer
About 12 hours.
doesit work if taken every other day
Ampills Answer
It works if you take it regularly and do not accept any alcohol during treatment.

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