Norvasc World Wide Shipping


Norvasc is used for the treatment of hypertension (high blood pressure) and angina (chest pain).

Questions about Norvasc

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Is amlodipine an alpha or a beta blocker
Ampills Answer
Amlodipin is a calcium channel blocker.It works by relaxing (dilating) your blood vessels, lowering blood pressure, and decreasing heart rate, which lowers the workload on the heart. It also dilates coronary arteries increasing blood flow to the heart.
jose silverio
ive been taking this pill 5mgs at night b4 bed but it started cause 2 months ago i had redness in my lower stomach causing acidity problems so i stopped smoking alcohol, coffee and have been strayt for 2 months now, Dr. says esential hypertension may have set in as well as withdrawals from my the 1st 2 weeks my BP changed from time to time so he prescribed me the drug.....after 2 months i believe i am healed..stomach is fine, i intend not to smoke or drink and continue to eat healthy, i have been running, my weight is 147lbs i am 5'7 all my blood tests are normal.. i am 53 yrs old.. could i lower the dosage of the norvasc.. maybe stop it eventually? thank you... Jose
Ampills Answer
Hello Jose, It is not time yet to stop taking Norvasc. Continue to take it as prescribed. Don't stop it suddenly.

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