Sexuality is impact by your breast size and weight

Let us consider an impact of body image on female sexuality. If you feel not sexy, this feeling may come from small breast size or big weight. There are lots of ways to improve yourself. Take these simple steps to become beautiful and sexy.

Understand the concept of beauty. In modern society people think of somebody that he is beautiful if his or her body is skinny, practically emaciated; and, if we talk about women, the breast size should be medium to large.

To feel sexy, your body image should be perfect. The part of perfect body image concept includes:

  • Physical appearance is important, no matter what other people say.
  • You should become happy because of your body image in all directions: how you see your body, the weight of your body, the smell of a body, etc.
  • You should always bear in mind an ideal image of your body.
  • The body should be attractive for other people.

Body influences sexuality in a dramatically serious way: there is a fairly simple relationship. If you think your body is attractive, you are more comfortable in using it, in sexual relationship as well.

However, the sexuality can influence the body’s image as well. One scientific study tried to estimate the connection between the external image of body and risky sexual practices. As a result, it has been concluded that:

  • Men who were thinking better about their bodies had less probability of being engage in risky sexual behaviors.
  • Women with better body image were participated in risky sexual behaviors less.

Another study of women aged from 35 to 55 estimated such a connection: poor body image was made women decrease sexual desire and reduce sexual activity. Another thing is that women from this group, who disregarding their body image had sexual activity, got a great satisfaction out of it.

So, the sexuality and its impact on sexual life and body image and on the contrary are very individual. This means that the strength of the influence of these two characters is individual, but in most people they exist and play significant role.

So, what shall women do to be sexy and beautiful? First thing that significantly influences on women’s sexual life is weight. If you have excessive weight, just lose it. There are several ways to do this:

  • Stop smoking – maybe Stop Smoking Patch or Wellbutrin SR will help.
  • Eat less – if you can’t deal with your appetite, use appetite suppressants like Phentermine.
  • Speed up the burn of excessive calories – use Yerba Diet. This is a special thermogenic weight loss formula. Besides, it is natural and costs only $44. A good medicine for burning calories is Fatblast Extreme. It burns excessive calories from your body very fast and costs $45, too.
  • After you lose all extra fat you have, you need to improve your eating habits in order not to gain those entire pounds. In this task Weight Loss Hypnosis is very helpful. The CD with Weight Loss Hypnosis is available on

If your muscles are not in tonus, you need to improve them. For this purpose, you need some physical training. To spead up the process of gaining tonus, use L-Glutamine and PyruVitol.

After you have done all these things, there is a necessity to make the shapes of your body perfect. Enhance your breast. To do this use Breast Enhancement and Breast Enhancement Gel. These two products make real wonders. Also very good testimonial are received about Brafix and Bust Enhancer. Read a guide about uses of these products on

Do not believe those who say that body’s image is not important. It is important and it impacts sexuality. So, improve your body, become sexual and happy.

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