Common symptoms and signs of allergy

When you face allergic reaction for the first time in your life, it is not so easy to recognize it, though there is so much information about allergy on TV, radio, and in Internet. That is why, the specialists developed the classification of allergy and an information for allergy beginners.

  1. Allergy can appear at any time of your life – when you are just 2 months, 20 years, or 80 years.
  2. Allergy is more likely to appear in season of flowers – spring. Most allergic sufferers experience runny nose, itching or eye irritation then. However, it may appear at any time.
  3. The main triggering factors of allergy are inhaled particles of allergens and/or food that contain allergens. In some cases people have seasonal hay fever and absolutely no reaction to food, and sometimes on the contrary. The response of the immune system is though the same from one case of allergic reaction to another in one individual.
  4. Sometimes, allergy to plants may trigger food allergy. This is called cross allergy.

It is necessary to treat symptoms of allergy. This should be done beforehand, not after you feel all these unpleasant symptoms. Talk to your doctor about the most suitable medicine for you and start taking it in 2 weeks before the anticipated contact with an allergen. This will reduce the possibility of allergic reaction very much.

Anti-allergic medications are issued in form of pills, nasal sprays, or sometimes in form of injections.

If your allergy is just problem with runny nose, you don’t have to take pills. You may use a nasal spray from allergic rhinitis like Rhinocort or Clarinex, and this will be enough.

The most wide spread symptoms of allergy are the following. From the side of the nose you may feel swelling of the nasal mucosa (allergic rhinitis): from the part of the sinuses there may appear allergic sinusitis; transaction of allergens to eyes may lead to redness and itching of the conjunctiva (allergic conjunctivitis). If an allergen gets into ear, you may experience feeling of fullness, pain in ear, and lack of hearing ability. Airways suffer from allergens most – there may be such symptoms as wheezing and dyspnea, sneezing, coughing. More severe action of allergens in airways may cause attacks of asthma, in or the airway may constrict because of swelling referred as angioedema.

As for food allergies, they may cause such gastrointestinal tract reactions as diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, or vomiting. Also there may appear the reaction on the skin, like rashes, or eczema.

Now you know all of the possible reactions. The other thing you should know if you are beginner, - call your doctor any time you experience severe allergic reaction. It may be caused by some medicines and do not wait until it passes by itself. Better revert to healthcare professional and get a good advice about treatment.

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