Diabecon World Wide Shipping


Diabecon helps to maintain proper blood sugar balance, regulate lipid metabolism and maintain healthy serum triglyceride and cholesterol levels, all of which are very important components of maintaining good health.

Questions about Diabecon

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I have been a type 2 diabetic since 1993.Would I need to take insulin with this pill. I am now On lantus with glyburide. I would like to be on just insulin or a pill that works well with Lantus. Glyburide does not. I am 67 years old and healthy in everyway except for the type 2. I do not smoke or drink and I am very active but my glucose level has gone up is remaining high. I take 30 units of Lantus daily with
Glyburide 2 pills twice a day 5mg ea. pill. My weight to date is 165 lbs, male, 5 ft. 7,average build.
Ampills Answer
Please excuse us, but we have no right to give any advice to change the medicine or dosing schedule in your situation. Your glucose level remains high, and this obviously means that your medication or dose should be changed. But this decision is very important and responsible and must be made only by your doctor, who knows you, your history of disease, has seen the results of your lab tests, and so on. Good luck and be healthy!

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