Healthy Bones

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Hello. I have two-mon. old twins, and I am currently breast-feeding them (exclusive breast-feeding). Do I have to take some supplement for my bones? Is there a threat for my bones beause of breastfeeding two babies at once?
Ampills Answer
Brianna, all calcium which is lost by bones will be renewed in just two month after you finish breast-feeding. As soon as you start complementary feeding at 6 months, the loss of calcium will be significantly reduced. If you want to strenghten your body, try Coral Calcium.
Hi. I've lost three of my teeth at once. They have simply come out; I had a dental operation, and I am feeling terribly. Is there a possibility to strengthen other teeth with some supplements for bones? I am afraid to lose them all...
Ampills Answer
Hello William. Ask your doctor about the best supplement for you - Coral Calcium or Actonel.
georgina morrison
i have ben diagnosed with eostoprosos high risk ihave fell and broke my wrist i take thyroxine 75 mg dr proscriped xoldornic acid and a d caal i take other vitamins i do not want to take the zoldoronic tabs is ther a sustitute do you know what would help rather than the tabs
Ampills Answer
Sorry, in your case you have to take this medicine and no other.

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