Inderal World Wide Shipping


Inderal (Propranolol) is a beta-adrenergic blocking agent used for treatment of high blood pressure, tremor and other conditions.

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Thank u so much for putting up this website . i have been treated for hyper thyrodism since october of 2008 . i have been using carbimazole and inderal pills.

Now, my thyroid is very normal and i am advised by my doctor to still continue taking carbimazole and inderal pills . the dose has been reduced to 5 mf carbimazole 5mg , inderal 10mg twice a day ( morning and evening ) .

i am 11 weeks pregnant and my doctor has advised me to stop taking inderal .. he tried to reduce my dose of inderal 10mg from twice a day to once a day . I stopped taking inderal at night but woke up to a rapid heart beat , so i called my doctor and He advised me to continue taking the inderal at night . so now i still take inderal morning and night .

My concern and question is , how do i stop getting off the inderal pills without any side effects , it really gives me a fright .

please help.

many thanks.

kind regards,

luby .
Ampills Answer
Hello Luby, Inderal pills are stopped gradually. Maybe suggest your doctor that you take Inderal only in the mornings, not at night. This will be 10mg once a day as he propsed at once. God luck and be healthy!

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