Children’s Teeth Protection

Children's oral hygiene plays a very important role for their general health. Understanding the basics of children's dental and oral healthcare is necessary for helping your child establish lifelong healthy oral habits from an early age. To educate children about dental health and maintaining good oral hygiene, you should firstly acquaint yourself with the fundamentals of children’s dentistry.

Oral Hygiene

Such rules as brushing children’s teeth twice a day, flossing after food intake and regular dental examinations are important to be followed for establishing good oral hygiene at an early age. You must brush your children's teeth until they learn to do it properly by themselves (it means their ability to rinse and spit out the toothpaste without swallowing it). The advice presented below will show you how to brush your children’s teeth correctly.

Cavities Prevention

Maintaining good oral health is the best way to prevent tooth decay, but there are some additional rules to be followed. Stomatologists advise to use a toothpaste that contains fluoride. When you notice that your child’s permanent back teeth erupt, ask a dentist about applying dental sealants.

Dental Habits

Parents must inure children to good dental habits at a very early age. It is also important to notice in time their bad habits and to break them.

Dental Problems

It is necessary to remember that dental examinations for children are not less important than for adults. If you notice that your child has dental cavities, you should take him to the dentist for an evaluation or fillings. Although children’s primary teeth fall out ultimately, they keep many of them for long and cavities can be painful and harm children’s health.


Proper nourishment is very important for good dental health. To prevent dental plaque from forming on the teeth, it is advised to limit the consumption of sweets and sugary drinks.

Tooth Brushing Charts

If you want to inure your children to regular tooth brushing you should turn it into a game. You can use tooth brushing charts to diversify this process and change them periodically to keep children interested.

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