Paxil World Wide Shipping


Paxil (Paroxetine) is an anti-depressant medicine that affects the chemicals used by nerves in the brain to communicate with one another.

Questions about Paxil

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I've been recommended to take Paxil for two weeks. Now I've lost the pack of Paxil somewhere and can't find it (it remains three days to take it). Should I order new Paxil or stop taking it? (I feel well)
Ampills Answer
Talk to your doctor about this situation. Usually it is recommended to descrease the dose of Paxil gradually, and to take it for full lenghts of prescribes treatment, even if you feel well.
Dan sadoh
Dear Sir/madam, is it okay to prescriber paroxetine in someone with depression who has previously been suicidal?
Ampills Answer
Well, paxil can cause suicidal thoughts, but it is not usual side effect. It can be prescribed in your case.

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